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The problem


A recipes app that offers to keep all the recipes in one place, divided by topics.
The app scans notes and written recipes, inserts screenshots and builds a recipe independently by typing it directly into
the app.

The solution

Over the years home cooking became very popular. Its started with reality tv shows and cooking shows that entered our lives, Facebook groups and other platforms. the ability to search and share recipes has made people want to learn and try new recepies and cooking styles from all over the world.

This create a situation that people have a lot of recipes scattered all over: written notes, links and screenshots and more.

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The persona's


Hi, I’m Shira

Age: 45
Status: Married and a mother of three children
Occupation: Customer manager at the bank
Lives in: Ramat Gan

Shira is a mother of three children: Daniel is 16, Or is 14 and Shani is 11.

She wakes up in the morning making kids sandwiches for school and going to work. She is a career woman but does not give up in the kitchen. She loves to cook and will always have food cooked in the fridge.

She cooks a lot of recipes - including recipes she learned from her mother, as well as recipes she received from friends, cooking group on Facebook and more. All her recipes are always stored in different ways: on the phone, notes and more. She never finds time to copy all the recipes into one place. When she needs a recipe she just goes through the notes and search.



Hi, I’m Daniel


Age: 34
Status: Married and a father of 2 children
Occupation: Application developer
Lives in: Raanana

​Daniel is a father of two children, Shahar is 5 years old and Uri is 3 years old.
Daniel works a lot from home and he taking the kids in the morning to the kindergarden.

since a young age he loved to cook and his recipes are mostly stored on his cell phone, as screenshots or links to websites. Rona - his wife works full time without the possibility of working from home, so he is the one that dose all the cooking.

His difficulty is finding the recipe he is looking for between all the screenshots / links on his phone.





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H1      Medium , 16

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סלט גזר וכרובית

16.06.2020   10:01

H2      Regular , 16

H3      Light , 14

On boarding page

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Home page

The home page 
allows you to add cooking categories.

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Category page

The category page has the option to add new recipes, share recipes with family and friends quickly and easily, move recipes between categories and delete irrelevant recipes.

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